Bits n Bytes put together
نهاية و بداية
نهاية و بداية

نهاية و بداية

تنتهي بوصولها أساطيرُ الجاهلية
و افتَتَحت بقدومِها قصة عشقي الأبدية
كيف بدأت
و كيف احتدمت
و كيف تشبثَ قلبي
بفريدةٍ أحادية
و كيف صارت بطلة رواياتي
و كيف فيها سطَّرتُ أعظم دواويني الشعرية
و صار عشقي لها .. طيفاً
يسري كرياحٍ .. شرقيةٍ و غربية
كوني عربية
كوني أعچمية
كوني ما تكوني
فأنتِ ياقوتي الأزلية
إن كانَ موتي في روايتي محتملاً
فليكن إذاً
.. مادامت بطلتها
!هي ..


  1. A sincere reader

    Hi Tamer,
    I don’t know if you celebrate Christmas but since I think Christmas is by far not only about christian meanings but the gathering of beloved ones on holidays (just like any other celebration) I wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and ask how you are? You haven’t been posting anything for a while. I was wondering.
    Besides, I wanted to wish you new creative ideas like sand in the Sahara and high waves of inspiration for the new year (in case this is why nothing was coming for so long).
    Or a 25h day for the next year if the everyday life is exhausting.
    But if you feel mentally or physically ill, then feel virtually hugged from me and know that your words are powerful enough to express things I never thought people are able to understand (not to mention talking about them so sincerely, clearly and in addition often poetically), and so are you. A strong person that is able to face life’s harshness.
    I really appreciate your blog and think it is original and therefore inspiring.

    1. Dear Sincere Reader,

      Your message means a lot to me .. the world!

      Christmas & the new years are always a warm time for me & very close to my heart. I enjoy them a lot & I wish you had a merry Christmas & a wonderful new year soon to come!

      Excuse my break from posting for the past few months .. things were running fast in so many directions .. but I keep my drafts close as thoughts keep flowing even during the busiest of times.
      As I wrote every word in my short writing journey out of very personal experiences, I never wanted to push myself to keep the tradition of posting unless it’s true to my heart & soul.
      I wish to start sharing some very soon. I hope you find them interesting as well & they fall into a good place from your heart & soul!

      Thank you for the inspiration & I send my warm greetings & hugs back to you. Your thoughtful words & analytical opinion mean the world to me. You relating to my words & expressions brings them to a state that is indescribable using simple words. I’m truly touched.

      I hope you keep visiting & you find my future posts as interesting. Makes me extremely happy to read your feedback.

      I wish you all my best!

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